The modes by which we receive and interact with video as a culture are undergoing a shift. As internet streaming speeds improve, and a more รก la carte approach to television increases, the broadcasting industry is experiencing a potentially radical shift. Much like the music industry, subscription services are changing the way many consumers understand and enjoy video: Youtube is ever increasing in popularity; businesses like Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Go, and Hulu Plus are gaining more traction; and products like the Apple TV, Roku, and the new Chromecast are enabling this rising tide of video to easily reach your TV via the internet.
While some are quick to forecast the end of broadcast TV, the reality is that typical broadcast services don’t quite overlap with what is available on the web. There are still some things that subscription and streaming services can’t offer. News is one example – the digital transmission of live events for a public audience is something uniquely offered by broadcasters. Additionally, local programming, emergency alert systems, and other real-time services are staples of the broadcasting industry that can’t be as effectively disseminated by any other current method.
The staple of broadcasting is video, the rising tide that increasingly floats all internet boats. The pressing need of the internet age is not for established broadcasters to be replaced by new entrants, providing some analog of the news and other services now offered by today’s cable, satellite, and over-the-air broadcasters. Rather, the need is for broadcasters to fully embrace the internet’s potential as an interactive, world-wide delivery channel in order to adapt, expand, and enhance the services they already know how to provide uniquely well.
It is precisely at these exciting crossroads of change and evolution that businesses involved in video technology must understand and analyze the shifting nature of today’s landscape in order to better provide their customers with what they want and need. Though the method and markets for broadcast media are undoubtedly changing, you can be sure that our experts at Telairity are on top of the trends, and intent on providing broadcasters together with all other professional video providers the latest innovative technology to answer the demands of new media.