Monday, April 30, 2012

Telairity Comes to Dubai

It was only a matter of time before Telairity made it to Dubai. Despite the global recession, the city-state continues building, populating, and developing its infrastructure at a staggering clip. In 2012 alone, Dubai’s global trade is projected to grow by 20%, thereby increasing the overall U.A.E. economy by 3.5%. Additionally, Dubai ranks ninth among the top 20 visitor destination cities on the planet, making the tabloid stories of panicky ex-pats fleeing the city in droves seem grossly exaggerated.

Finally, and most importantly, Dubai continues to plan for its long-term future. The city is presenting a strong bid for the 2020 World Expo. Historically at these six-month long events, new technological game-changers have made their debuts to a global audience: the “elevator” first made its appearance at the Dublin Expo; the “telephone” was first brought to a wider audience at the Expo in Philadelphia; and more recently, “green building techniques” were unveiled in Aichi. In the words of Reem Al Hashimy, Dubai’s Minister of State, “Ideas are planted, tested, experimented and a global dialogue begins to take shape and influence future trends.”

These are the sorts of words Telairity lives by. Being that we are one of the foremost digital encoder providers for the Asian market, with strong performance in countries like China, Thailand, and Sri Lanka, it became obvious that we needed to develop our business relations in the Middle East. As a result, we recently introduced our encoding technology at CABSAT, the largest cable and satellite showcase in the Middle East and Africa. We came away from the conference and exhibit with heavy-hitting new connections and strategic partners for future business throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

As an exponentially growing company, we view CABSAT as just a stepping-stone towards eventually providing quality service throughout the entire Middle East. Like the city of Dubai itself, we value the principle and challenge of exponential undertaking, and we plan our course accordingly. Here’s to a successful bid for the 2020 World Expo in Dubai. Our company – and its groundbreaking technology – will most certainly be in attendance.

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